🟢 Neural mass equation

The following model is taken from [Cortes]:

\[\left\{\begin{array}{l} \tau \dot{E}=-E+g\left(J u x E+E_{0}\right) \\ \dot{x}=\tau_{D}^{-1}(1-x)-u E x \\ \dot{u}=U E(1-u)-\tau_{F}^{-1}(u-U) \end{array}\right.\]

We use this model as a mean to introduce the basics of BifurcationKit.jl, namely the continuation of equilibria.

It is easy to encode the ODE as follows

using Revise, Parameters, Plots
using BifurcationKit
const BK = BifurcationKit

# vector field
function TMvf(z, p)
	@unpack J, α, E0, τ, τD, τF, U0 = p
	E, x, u = z
	SS0 = J * u * x * E + E0
	SS1 = α * log(1 + exp(SS0 / α))
	    (-E + SS1) / τ,
       (1.0 - x) / τD - u * x * E,
	    (U0 - u) / τF +  U0 * (1.0 - u) * E

# parameter values
par_tm = (α = 1.5, τ = 0.013, J = 3.07, E0 = -2.0, τD = 0.200, U0 = 0.3, τF = 1.5, τS = 0.007)

# initial condition
z0 = [0.238616, 0.982747, 0.367876]

# Bifurcation Problem
prob = BifurcationProblem(TMvf, z0, par_tm, (@lens _.E0);
	record_from_solution = (x, p) -> (E = x[1], x = x[2], u = x[3]),)

We first compute the branch of equilibria

# continuation options, we limit the parameter range for E0
opts_br = ContinuationPar(p_min = -4.0, p_max = -0.9)

# continuation of equilibria
br = continuation(prob, PALC(), opts_br;
	# we want to compute both sides of the branch of the initial
	# value of E0 = -2
	bothside = true)

scene = plot(br, legend=:topleft)

With detailed information:

 ┌─ Curve type: EquilibriumCont
 ├─ Number of points: 61
 ├─ Type of vectors: Vector{Float64}
 ├─ Parameter E0 starts at -4.0, ends at -0.9
 ├─ Algo: PALC
 └─ Special points:

If `br` is the name of the branch,
ind_ev = index of the bifurcating eigenvalue e.g. `br.eig[idx].eigenvals[ind_ev]`

- #  1, endpoint at E0 ≈ -4.00000000,                                                                     step =   0
- #  2,       bp at E0 ≈ -1.46309794 ∈ (-1.46309794, -1.46302753), |δp|=7e-05, [converged], δ = ( 1,  0), step =  30, eigenelements in eig[ 31], ind_ev =   1
- #  3,     hopf at E0 ≈ -1.85075293 ∈ (-1.85075293, -1.84970242), |δp|=1e-03, [converged], δ = ( 2,  2), step =  40, eigenelements in eig[ 41], ind_ev =   3
- #  4,       bp at E0 ≈ -1.86522340 ∈ (-1.86522340, -1.86494948), |δp|=3e-04, [converged], δ = (-1,  0), step =  42, eigenelements in eig[ 43], ind_ev =   3
- #  5,     hopf at E0 ≈ -1.14947379 ∈ (-1.15202958, -1.14947379), |δp|=3e-03, [converged], δ = (-2, -2), step =  57, eigenelements in eig[ 58], ind_ev =   2
- #  6, endpoint at E0 ≈ -0.90000000,                                                                     step =  60

If you don't want to compute just the branch without the bifurcations (more information is provided here ), change the continuation options to

opts_br = ContinuationPar(p_min = -4.0, p_max = -0.9,
	detect_bifurcation = 0)

# continuation of equilibria
br = continuation(prob, PALC(), opts_br;
	# we want to compute both sides of the branch of the initial
	# value of E0 = -2
	bothside = true)

scene = plot(br, plotfold=true)


  • Cortes

    Cortes, Jesus M., Mathieu Desroches, Serafim Rodrigues, Romain Veltz, Miguel A. Muñoz, and Terrence J. Sejnowski. Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity in the Deterministic Tsodyks–Markram Model Leads to Unpredictable Network Dynamics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, no. 41 (October 8, 2013): 16610–15. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1316071110.