Migration from v0.1.x to v0.2.x


New version of the package with modified interface. You are now required to define a BifurcationProblem to perform continuation or bifurcation analysis. The previous interface is available under the tag 0.1.12 which can be installed by doing

] add BifurcationKit@0.1.12

The new version provides many bugs fix though. (Please note that the docs are up to date).


In v0.2.x, we introduced problem based bifurcation diagram, meaning that you have now to wrap your vector field in a BifurcationProblem. You also need to pass your plot/record functions.

Don't use AD yourself

There is nothing wrong with doing so but this is done in the constructor of BifurcationPoblem, so if myJacAD is the jacobian computed using ForwardDiff, the declaration

prob = BifurcationProblem(F, x, p, lens ; J = myJacAD) 

should be

prob = BifurcationProblem(F, x, p, lens) 

There is nothing wrong in passing your own jacobian though

Error: no method matching iterate(::BifurcationKit.ContResult

This is because you use the old syntax

br, = continuation(...)

instead of (no comma)

br = continuation(...)

Arguments to continuation

recordFromSolution and plotFromSolution should be passed to BifurcationProblem instead of continuation.