Detection of bifurcation points

The bifurcations are detected during a call to br = continuation(prob, alg, contParams::ContinuationPar;kwargs...) by turning on the following flags:

  • contParams.detect_bifurcation = 2 (for eigenvalues based bifurcations)
  • contParams.detect_event = 2 (for other bifurcations like inclinations)

Precise detection of bifurcation points using Bisection

Note that the bifurcation points detected when detect_bifurcation = 2 can be rather crude localization of the true bifurcation points. Indeed, we only signal that, in between two continuation steps which can be large, a (several) bifurcation has been detected. Hence, we only have a rough idea of where the bifurcation is located, unless your dsmax is very small... This can be improved as follows.

If you choose detect_bifurcation = 3, a bisection algorithm is used to locate the bifurcation points more precisely. It means that we recursively track down the change in stability. Some options in ContinuationPar control this behavior:

  • n_inversion: number of sign inversions in the bisection algorithm
  • max_bisection_steps maximum number of bisection steps
  • tol_bisection_eigenvalue tolerance on real part of eigenvalue to detect bifurcation points in the bisection steps
Bisection mode

During the bisection, the eigensolvers are called like eil(J, nev; bisection = true) in order to be able to adapt the solver precision.

List of detected bifurcation points

You can detect the following codim 2 bifurcation points by using the option detect_codim2_bifurcation in the method continuation. Under the hood, the detection of these bifurcations is done by using Event detection as explained in Event Handling.

We refer to [DeWitte] for a description of the bifurcations.

Type of bifurcationLabel
Limit cycleLC
Homoclinic to Hyperbolic SaddleHHS
Homoclinic to Saddle-NodeHSN
Neutral saddleNSS
Neutral saddle-focusNSF
Neutral Bi-FocusNFF
Double Real Stable leading eigenvalueDRS
Double Real Unstable leading eigenvalueDRU
Neutrally-Divergent saddle-focus (Stable)NDS
Neutrally-Divergent saddle-focus (Unstable)NDU
Three Leading eigenvalues (Stable)TLS
Three Leading eigenvalues (Unstable)TLU
Orbit-Flip with respect to the Stable manifoldOFS
Orbit-Flip with respect to the Unstable manifoldOFU
Non-Central Homoclinic to saddle-nodeNCH

Inclination-Flip with respect to the Stable / Unstable manifold is not yet detected.


  • DeWitte

    De Witte, Virginie, Willy Govaerts, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, and Mark Friedman. “Interactive Initialization and Continuation of Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits in MATLAB.” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 38, no. 3 (April 2012): 1–34.