Lorenz-84 model, take 2.
In this tutorial, we study the extended Lorenz-84 model which is also treated in MatCont [Kuznetsov]. We use this model to showcase the automatic branch switching procedure to
- Fold of periodic orbits from Bautin bifurcation point
- NS of periodic orbits from ZH bifurcation point
- NS of periodic orbits from HH bifurcation point.
As this model has been studied in this tutorial, we do not give much details and refer to the corresponding tutorial to get the 2 parameters curves of Hopf / Fold bifurcations.
The model is as follows
\[\left\{\begin{array}{l} \dot{X}=-Y^{2}-Z^{2}-\alpha X+\alpha F-\gamma U^{2} \\ \dot{Y}=X Y-\beta X Z-Y+G \\ \dot{Z}=\beta X Y+X Z-Z \\ \dot{U}=-\delta U+\gamma U X+T \end{array}\right.\tag{E}\]
We recall the problem setting:
using Revise, ForwardDiff, Parameters, Plots, LinearAlgebra
using BifurcationKit
const BK = BifurcationKit
# sup norm
norminf(x) = norm(x, Inf)
# vector field
function Lor(u, p, t = 0)
@unpack α,β,γ,δ,G,F,T = p
X,Y,Z,U = u
-Y^2 - Z^2 - α*X + α*F - γ*U^2,
X*Y - β*X*Z - Y + G,
β*X*Y + X*Z - Z,
-δ*U + γ*U*X + T
parlor = (α = 1//4, β = 1., G = .25, δ = 1.04, γ = 0.987, F = 1.7620532879639, T = .0001265)
z0 = [2.9787004394953343, -0.03868302503393752, 0.058232737694740085, -0.02105288273117459]
recordFromSolutionLor(x, p) = (u = BK.getVec(x);(X = u[1], Y = u[2], Z = u[3], U = u[4]))
prob = BK.BifurcationProblem(Lor, z0, parlor, (@lens _.F);
recordFromSolution = (x, p) -> (X = x[1], Y = x[2], Z = x[3], U = x[4]),)
opts_br = ContinuationPar(pMin = -1.5, pMax = 3.0, ds = 0.002, dsmax = 0.05, nInversion = 6, detectBifurcation = 3, maxBisectionSteps = 25, nev = 4, maxSteps = 200, plotEveryStep = 30)
@set! opts_br.newtonOptions.verbose = false
@set! opts_br.newtonOptions.tol = 1e-12
br = @time continuation(reMake(prob, params = setproperties(parlor;T=0.04,F=3.)),
PALC(), opts_br;
normC = norminf, bothside = true)
scene = plot(br, plotfold=false, markersize=4, legend=:topleft)
Two parameters curves of Fold / Hopf bifurcation
We follow the Fold points in the parameter plane $(T,F)$. We tell the solver to consider br.specialpoint[5]
and continue it.
sn_codim2 = continuation(br, 5, (@lens _.T), ContinuationPar(opts_br, pMax = 3.2, pMin = -0.1, detectBifurcation = 1, dsmin=1e-5, ds = -0.001, dsmax = 0.005, nInversion = 10, saveSolEveryStep = 1, maxSteps = 130, maxBisectionSteps = 55) ; plot = true,
verbosity = 0,
normC = norminf,
detectCodim2Bifurcation = 2,
updateMinAugEveryStep = 1,
startWithEigen = false,
bothside = false,
hp_codim2_1 = continuation(br, 3, (@lens _.T), ContinuationPar(opts_br, ds = -0.001, dsmax = 0.02, dsmin = 1e-4, nInversion = 8, saveSolEveryStep = 1, detectBifurcation = 1) ; plot = false, verbosity = 0,
normC = norminf,
# tangentAlgo = BorderedPred(),
detectCodim2Bifurcation = 2,
updateMinAugEveryStep = 1,
startWithEigen = true,
bothside = true,
plot(sn_codim2, vars=(:F, :T), branchlabel = "SN")
plot!(hp_codim2_1, vars=(:F, :T), branchlabel = "Hopf1", xlims = (1,2.7), ylims = (-0.06,0.06))
Fold bifurcations of periodic orbits from Bautin bifurcation
We compute the branch of Fold of periodic orbits from the Bautin bifurcation (labelled :gh
) in the previous figure. In this tutorial, we focus on orthogonal collocation but standard shooting would do too.
opts_fold_po = ContinuationPar(hp_codim2_1.contparams, dsmax = 0.01, detectBifurcation = 0, maxSteps = 30, detectEvent = 0, ds = 0.001, plotEveryStep = 10, a = 0.8)
@set! opts_fold_po.newtonOptions.verbose = false
@set! opts_fold_po.newtonOptions.tol = 1e-8
fold_po = continuation(hp_codim2_1, 3, opts_fold_po,
PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem(20, 3, meshadapt = false);
normC = norminf,
δp = 0.02,
updateMinAugEveryStep = 0,
jacobian_ma = :minaug,
verbosity = 0, plot = false,
plot!(fold_po, vars=(:F, :T), branchlabel = "Fold-PO")
NS bifurcations of periodic orbits from Hopf-Hopf bifurcation
When we computed the curve of Hopf points, we detected a Hopf-Hopf bifurcation. We can branch from it to get the curve of NS points. This is done as follows:
opts_ns_po = ContinuationPar(hp_codim2_1.contparams, dsmax = 0.02, detectBifurcation = 1, maxSteps = 20, ds = -0.001, detectEvent = 0)
@set! opts_ns_po.newtonOptions.verbose = false
@set! opts_ns_po.newtonOptions.tol = 1e-9
@set! opts_ns_po.newtonOptions.maxIter = 10
ns_po1 = continuation(hp_codim2_1, 4, opts_ns_po,
PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem(20, 3, updateSectionEveryStep = 1);
detectCodim2Bifurcation = 0,
normC = norminf,
δp = 0.02,
updateMinAugEveryStep = 1,
# which of the 2 NS curves should we compute?
whichns = 1,
jacobian_ma = :minaug,
verbosity = 3,
plot!(ns_po1, vars=(:F, :T), branchlabel = "NS1")
ns_po2 = continuation(hp_codim2_1, 4, opts_ns_po,
PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem(30, 3, updateSectionEveryStep = 1);
detectCodim2Bifurcation = 0,
normC = norminf,
δp = 0.02,
updateMinAugEveryStep = 1,
# which of the 2 NS curves should we compute?
whichns = 2,
jacobian_ma = :minaug,
plot!(ns_po2, vars=(:F, :T), branchlabel = "NS2")
- Kuznetsov
Kuznetsov, Yu A., H. G. E. Meijer, W. Govaerts, and B. Sautois. “Switching to Nonhyperbolic Cycles from Codim 2 Bifurcations of Equilibria in ODEs.” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 237, no. 23 (December 2008): 3061–68.