Detonation engine
This is a model of a detonation engine, a new kind of reactor developed for planes. The model[Koch] quantifies the spatio-temporal evolution of a property analogous to specific internal energy, $u(x,t)$, on a one dimensional (1D) periodic domain:
\[\left\{ \begin{gathered} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}=\nu_{1} \frac{\partial^{2} u}{\partial x^{2}}-u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+k q(1-\lambda) \exp \left(\frac{u-u_{c}}{\alpha}\right)-\epsilon u^{2} \\ \frac{\partial \lambda}{\partial t}=\nu_{2} \frac{\partial^{2} \lambda}{\partial x^{2}}+k(1-\lambda) \exp \left(\frac{u-u_{c}}{\alpha}\right) -\frac{s u_{p} \lambda}{1+\exp \left(r\left(u-u_{p}\right)\right)} \end{gathered}\right.\]
Problem discretization
We start by discretizing the above PDE based on finite differences.
using Revise, Parameters
using DiffEqOperators, ForwardDiff, DifferentialEquations, SparseArrays
using BifurcationKit, LinearAlgebra, Plots, Setfield
const BK = BifurcationKit
norminf(x) = norm(x, Inf)
ω(u, p) = p.k * exp((u - p.uc) / p.α)
β(u, p) = p.s * p.up /(1 + exp(p.r * (u - p.up)) )
# utilities for plotting solutions
function plotsol!(x; k...)
n = length(x) ÷ 2
u = @view x[1:n]
v = @view x[n+1:2n]
plot!(u; label="u", k...)
plot!(v; label="λ", k...)
plotsol(x; k...) = (plot();plotsol!(x; k...))
# function to build derivative operators
function DiffOp(N, lx; order = 2)
h = lx/N
D2 = CenteredDifference(2, order, h, N)
D = CenteredDifference(1, order, h, N)
Q = PeriodicBC(Float64)
Δ = sparse(D2 * Q)[1]
D = sparse(D * Q)[1]
return D, Δ
# nonlinearity of the model
function NL!(dest, U, p, t = 0.)
N = p.N
u = @view U[1:N]
λ = @view U[N+1:2N]
dest[1:N] .= p.q .* (1 .- λ) .* ω.(u, Ref(p)) .- p.ϵ .* u.^2
dest[N+1:2N] .= (1 .- λ) .* ω.(u, Ref(p)) .- λ .* β.(u, Ref(p))
return dest
# function which encodes the right hand side of the PDE
@views function Fdet!(f, u, p, t = 0)
N = p.N
NL!(f, u, p) # nonlinearity
mul!(f, p.Δ, u, p.ν1, 1) # put Laplacian
f[1:p.N] .-= (p.D * u[1:N].^2) ./ 2 # add drift a la Burger
return f
NL(U, p, t = 0.) = NL!(similar(U), U, p, t)
JNL(U, p, t = 0.) = ForwardDiff.jacobian(x -> NL(x, p), U)
Fdet(x, p, t = 0) = Fdet!(similar(x), x, p, t)
Jdet(x, p) = sparse(ForwardDiff.jacobian(x -> Fdet(x, p), x))
We can now instantiate the model
N = 300
lx = 2pi
X = LinRange(0, lx, N)
D, Δ = DiffOp(N, lx)
_ν1 = 0.0075
# model parameters
par_det = (N = N, q = 0.5, α = 0.3, up = 0.0, uc = 1.1, s = 3.5, k = 1., ϵ = 0.15, r = 5.0, ν1 = _ν1, ν2 = _ν1, Δ = blockdiag(Δ, Δ), D = D, Db = blockdiag(D, D))
# initial conditions
u0 = 0.5ones(N)
λ0 = 0.5ones(N)
U0 = vcat(u0, λ0)
U0cons = vcat(copy(U0), 1.)
Jacobian with sparsity detection
Writing the jacobian explicitly is cumbersome. We rely on automatic differentiation to get the sparse jacobian.
# improved jacobian with sparse coloring
using SparseArrays, SparseDiffTools, Test
const L1 = copy(Jdet(rand(2N), par_det))
const colors = matrix_colors(L1)
function JlgvfColorsAD(J, u, p, colors)
SparseDiffTools.forwarddiff_color_jacobian!(J, (out, x) -> out .= Fdet(x,p), u, colorvec = colors)
JdetAD(x,p) = JlgvfColorsAD(L1, x, p, colors)
We are now ready to compute the bifurcation of the trivial (constant in space) solution:
# bifurcation problem
prob = BifurcationProblem(Fdet, U0, setproperties(par_det; q = 0.5), (@lens _.up); J = JdetAD,
plotSolution = (x, p; k...) -> plotsol!(x; k...),
recordFromSolution = (x, p) -> (u∞ = norminf(x[1:N]), n2 = norm(x)))
prob = reMake(prob, params = (@set par_det.up = 0.56))
# iterative eigen solver
eig = EigArpack(0.2, :LM, tol = 1e-13, v0 = rand(2N))
eig = EigArnoldiMethod(sigma=0.2, which = BifurcationKit.LM(),x₀ = rand(2N ))
# newton options
optnew = NewtonPar(verbose = true, eigsolver = eig)
solhomo = newton(prob, optnew; normN = norminf)
optcont = ContinuationPar(newtonOptions = setproperties(optnew, verbose = false),
detectBifurcation = 3, nev = 50, nInversion = 8, maxBisectionSteps = 25,
dsmax = 0.01, ds = 0.01, pMax = 1.4, maxSteps = 1000, plotEveryStep = 50)
br = continuation(
reMake(prob, params = (@set par_det.q = 0.5), u0 = solhomo.u),
PALC(), optcont; plot = true)
Scene = title!("")
┌─ Curve type: EquilibriumCont
├─ Number of points: 152
├─ Type of vectors: Vector{Float64}
├─ Parameter up starts at 0.0, ends at 1.4
├─ Algo: PALC
└─ Special points:
If `br` is the name of the branch,
ind_ev = index of the bifurcating eigenvalue e.g. `br.eig[idx].eigenvals[ind_ev]`
- # 1, hopf at up ≈ +0.56970295 ∈ (+0.56970262, +0.56970295), |δp|=3e-07, [converged], δ = ( 2, 2), step = 74, eigenelements in eig[ 75], ind_ev = 2
- # 2, hopf at up ≈ +0.58997693 ∈ (+0.58997627, +0.58997693), |δp|=7e-07, [converged], δ = ( 2, 2), step = 76, eigenelements in eig[ 77], ind_ev = 4
- # 3, hopf at up ≈ +0.67245132 ∈ (+0.67243040, +0.67245132), |δp|=2e-05, [converged], δ = ( 2, 2), step = 84, eigenelements in eig[ 85], ind_ev = 6
- # 4, hopf at up ≈ +0.86069748 ∈ (+0.86069747, +0.86069748), |δp|=1e-08, [converged], δ = (-2, -2), step = 102, eigenelements in eig[103], ind_ev = 6
- # 5, hopf at up ≈ +1.05349842 ∈ (+1.05349825, +1.05349842), |δp|=2e-07, [converged], δ = (-2, -2), step = 120, eigenelements in eig[121], ind_ev = 4
- # 6, hopf at up ≈ +1.15401807 ∈ (+1.15401772, +1.15401807), |δp|=3e-07, [converged], δ = (-2, -2), step = 129, eigenelements in eig[130], ind_ev = 2
- # 7, endpoint at up ≈ +1.40000000, step = 151
We have detected 6 Hopf bifurcations. We now study the periodic orbits branching from them.
Computing the branches of Travelling waves
The periodic orbits emanating from the Hopf points look like travelling waves. This is intuitive because the equation is mostly advective as the diffusion coefficients $\nu_i$ are small. We will thus seek for travelling waves instead of periodic orbits. The advantage is that the possible Neimark-Sacker bifurcation is transformed into a regular Hopf one which allows the study of modulated travelling waves.
As we will do the same thing 3 times, we bundle the procedure in functions. We first use the regular Hopf normal form to create a guess for the travelling wave:
function getGuess(br, nb; δp = 0.005)
nf = getNormalForm(br, nb; verbose = false)
pred = predictor(nf, δp)
return pred.p, pred.orbit(0)
Using this guess, we can continue the travelling wave as function of a parameter. Note that in the following code, a generalized eigensolver is automatically created during the call to continuation
which properly computes the stability of the wave.
function computeBranch(br, nb; δp = 0.005, maxSteps = 190)
_p, sol = getGuess(br, nb)
# travelling wave problem
probTW = TWProblem(
reMake(br.prob, params = setproperties(getParams(br); up = _p)),
jacobian = :AutoDiff)
# newton parameters with iterative eigen solver
# eig = EigArnoldiMethod(sigma=0.2, which = BifurcationKit.LM(),x₀ = rand(2N ))
eig = EigArpack(nev = 10, which = :LM, sigma = 0.4)
optn = NewtonPar(verbose = true, eigsolver = eig)
# continuation parameters
opt_cont_br = ContinuationPar(pMin = 0.1, pMax = 1.3, newtonOptions = optn, ds= -0.001, dsmax = 0.01, plotEveryStep = 5, detectBifurcation = 3, nev = 10, maxSteps = maxSteps)
# we build a guess for the travelling wave with speed -0.9
twguess = vcat(sol, -0.9)
br_wave = continuation(probTW, twguess, PALC(), opt_cont_br;
verbosity = 3, plot = true, bothside = true,
recordFromSolution = (x, p) -> (u∞ = maximum(x[1:N]), s = x[end], amp = amplitude(x[1:N])),
plotSolution = (x, p; k...) -> (plotsol!(x[1:end-1];k...);plot!(br,subplot=1, legend=false)),
callbackN = BK.cbMaxNorm(1e2),
finaliseSolution = (z, tau, step, contResult; k...) -> begin
amplitude(z.u[N+1:2N]) > 0.01
We can try this continuation as follows
amplitude(x) = maximum(x) - minimum(x)
br_wave = computeBranch(br, 1; maxSteps = 10)
Scene = title!("")
Building the full diagram
branches = [computeBranch(br, i) for i in 1:3]
plot(br, branches..., legend=:topleft, xlims = (0.5, 1.25), ylims=(0.5, 2.3))
- Koch
Koch, James, Mitsuru Kurosaka, Carl Knowlen, and J. Nathan Kutz. “Multi-Scale Physics of Rotating Detonation Engines: Autosolitons and Modulational Instabilities.” ArXiv:2003.06655 [Nlin, Physics:Physics], March 14, 2020.