1d Ginzburg-Landau equation (TW)
We look at the Ginzburg-Landau equations in 1d with periodic boundary condition. The goal of this tutorial is to show how one can study a Hopf bifurcation with symmetry group $O(2)$. It is known that this bifurcation supports standing / travelling waves. Using the tools for periodic orbits, it is easy to compute the standing wave. We thus focus on the computation of the travelling wave.
The equations are as follows
\[\partial_{t} u=\Delta u+(r+\mathrm{i} v) u-\left(c_{3}+\mathrm{i} \mu\right)|u|^{2} u-c_{5}|u|^{4} u, \quad u=u(t, x) \in \mathbb{C},\]
with periodic boundary conditions. We discretize the circle $\Omega = (-\pi,\pi)$ with $n$ points. We start by writing the Laplacian:
using Revise
using DiffEqOperators, ForwardDiff
using BifurcationKit, LinearAlgebra, Plots, SparseArrays, Parameters, Setfield
const BK = BifurcationKit
const FD = ForwardDiff
# supremum norm
norminf(x) = norm(x, Inf)
# pltting utilities
plotsol!(x, m, n; np = n, k...) = heatmap!(reshape(x[1:end-1],m,n)[1:np,:]; color = :viridis, k...)
contoursol!(x, m, n; np = n, k...) = contour!(reshape(x[1:end-1],m,n)[1:np,:]; color = :viridis, k...)
plotsol(x,m,n;k...) = (plot();plotsol!(x,m,n;k...))
function Laplacian1D(Nx, lx)
hx = 2lx/Nx
T = typeof(hx)
D2x = CenteredDifference(2, 2, hx, Nx)
D1x = CenteredDifference(1, 2, hx, Nx)
Qx = PeriodicBC(T)
Δ = sparse(D2x * Qx)[1] |> sparse
D = sparse(D1x * Qx)[1] |> sparse
return Δ, D
# add the nonlinearity to f
@views function NL!(f, u, p)
@unpack r, μ, ν, c3, c5 = p
n = div(length(u), 2)
u1 = u[1:n]
u2 = u[n+1:2n]
ua = u1.^2 .+ u2.^2
f1 = f[1:n]
f2 = f[n+1:2n]
f1 .+= @. r * u1 - ν * u2 - ua * (c3 * u1 - μ * u2) - c5 * ua^2 * u1
f2 .+= @. r * u2 + ν * u1 - ua * (c3 * u2 + μ * u1) - c5 * ua^2 * u2
return f
# full functional
function Fcgl!(f, u, p, t = 0)
mul!(f, p.Δ, u)
NL!(f, u, p)
Fcgl(u, p, t = 0) = Fcgl!(similar(u), u, p)
# analytical expression off the jacobian
@views function Jcgl(u, p)
@unpack r, μ, ν, c3, c5, Δ = p
n = div(length(u), 2)
u1 = u[1:n]
u2 = u[n+1:2n]
ua = u1.^2 .+ u2.^2
f1u = zero(u1)
f2u = zero(u1)
f1v = zero(u1)
f2v = zero(u1)
@. f1u = r - 2 * u1 * (c3 * u1 - μ * u2) - c3 * ua - 4 * c5 * ua * u1^2 - c5 * ua^2
@. f1v = -ν - 2 * u2 * (c3 * u1 - μ * u2) + μ * ua - 4 * c5 * ua * u1 * u2
@. f2u = ν - 2 * u1 * (c3 * u2 + μ * u1) - μ * ua - 4 * c5 * ua * u1 * u2
@. f2v = r - 2 * u2 * (c3 * u2 + μ * u1) - c3 * ua - 4 * c5 * ua * u2 ^2 - c5 * ua^2
jacdiag = vcat(f1u, f2v)
Δ + spdiagm(0 => jacdiag, n => f1v, -n => f2u)
We then define a problem for computing the bifurcations of the trivial state $u=0$ as function of $r$.
# space discretization
n = 50
l = pi
Δ, D = Laplacian1D(n, l)
# model parameters
par_cgl = (r = 0.0, μ = 0.5, ν = 1.0, c3 = -1.0, c5 = 1.0, Δ = blockdiag(Δ, Δ), Db = blockdiag(D, D), δ = 1.0, N = 2n)
# initial guess
sol0 = zeros(par_cgl.N)
# bifurcation problem
prob = BifurcationProblem(Fcgl, sol0, par_cgl, (@lens _.r); J = Jcgl)
opt_newton = NewtonPar(tol = 1e-9, maxIter = 20)
opts_br = ContinuationPar(dsmin = 0.001, dsmax = 0.15, ds = 0.001, pMax = 2.5,
detectBifurcation = 3, nev = 9, newtonOptions = (@set opt_newton.verbose = false), maxSteps = 100, nInversion = 8, maxBisectionSteps = 20)
br = continuation(prob, PALC(), opts_br, verbosity = 0)
┌─ Curve type: EquilibriumCont
├─ Number of points: 25
├─ Type of vectors: Vector{Float64}
├─ Parameter r starts at 0.0, ends at 2.5
├─ Algo: PALC
└─ Special points:
If `br` is the name of the branch,
ind_ev = index of the bifurcating eigenvalue e.g. `br.eig[idx].eigenvals[ind_ev]`
- # 1, hopf at r ≈ +0.00000138 ∈ (-0.00000276, +0.00000138), |δp|=4e-06, [converged], δ = ( 2, 2), step = 1, eigenelements in eig[ 2], ind_ev = 2
- # 2, nd at r ≈ +0.99868554 ∈ (+0.99868473, +0.99868554), |δp|=8e-07, [converged], δ = ( 4, 4), step = 16, eigenelements in eig[ 17], ind_ev = 6
- # 3, endpoint at r ≈ +2.50000000, step = 24
The first bifurcation point is a regular Hopf bifurcation in the zero mode, i.e. $u(x, t) = u_0\cos(\omega t +\phi)$ with no spatial structure. The second bifurcation point, labelled nd is a Hopf bifurcation with $O(2)$ symmetry group generated by the translations $T_z\cdot u(x) = u(x+y)$ and the reflection $S\cdot u(x) = u(-x)$.
Computation of the travelling wave
We focus on the $O(2)$-Hopf (second bifurcation point in br
), with frequency $\omega>0$, for which no normal form is currently implemented in BifurcationKit.jl
. We write $\zeta_0,\zeta_1$ two eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalue $i\omega$ such that
\[T_z\cdot\zeta_0 = e^{im z}\zeta_0,\quad T_z\cdot\zeta_1 = e^{-im z}\zeta_1,\quad S\cdot\zeta_0 = \zeta_1,\quad S\cdot\zeta_1 = \zeta_0.\]
By the center manifold theory[Haragus], one has
\[u = A(t)\zeta_0+B(t)\zeta_1+\overline{A(t)\zeta_0}+\overline{B(t)\zeta_1}+\text{small terms}\]
Using the normal form, one finds standing waves $(A(t),B(t)) = (r_0e^{i\omega t}, r_0e^{i\omega t})$ with $r_0\geq 0$ and travelling waves $(A(t),B(t)) = (r_0e^{i\omega t}, 0)$ at first order in $A,B$. This provides us with a way to compute the initial guess for the travelling waves as written in the following function:
function guessFromHopfO2(branch, ind_hopf, eigsolver, M, A, B = 0.; phase = 0, k = 1.)
specialpoint = branch.specialpoint[ind_hopf]
# parameter value at the Hopf point
p_hopf = specialpoint.param
# frequency at the Hopf point
ωH = imag(branch.eig[specialpoint.idx].eigenvals[specialpoint.ind_ev]) |> abs
# eigenvectors for the eigenvalues iω
ζ0 = geteigenvector(eigsolver, br.eig[specialpoint.idx][2], specialpoint.ind_ev)
ζ0 ./= norm(ζ0)
ζ1 = geteigenvector(eigsolver, br.eig[specialpoint.idx][2], specialpoint.ind_ev - 2)
ζ1 ./= norm(ζ1)
orbitguess = [real.(specialpoint.x .+
A .* ζ0 .* exp(2pi * complex(0, 1) .* (ii/(M-1) - phase)) .+
B .* ζ1 .* exp(2pi * complex(0, 1) .* (ii/(M-1) - phase))) for ii in 0:M-1]
return (; p = p_hopf, period = 2pi/ωH, guess = orbitguess, x0 = specialpoint.x, ζ0 = ζ0, ζ1 = ζ1)
We can use this function to effectively build a guess for the travelling wave:
M = 50 # number of time slices (plotting purposes)
r_hopf, Th, orbitguess2, hopfpt, eigvec = guessFromHopfO2(br, 2, opt_newton.eigsolver, M, 1. + 0.0im, 1+0.0im; k = 2.) #TW
uold = copy(orbitguess2[1][1:2n])
# we create a TW problem
probTW = TWProblem(reMake(prob, params = setproperties(par_cgl; r = r_hopf - 0.01)), par_cgl.Db, uold; jacobian = :FullLU)
# refine the guesss
wave = newton(probTW, vcat(uold, 0),
NewtonPar(verbose = true, maxIter = 50),
println("norm wave = ", wave.u[1:end-1] |> norminf)
plot(wave.u[1:end-1]; linewidth = 5, label = "solution")
plot!(uold, color = :blue, label="guess")
Note that in the following code, a generalized eigensolver is automatically created during the call to continuation
which properly computes the stability of the wave.
amplitude(x) = maximum(x) - minimum(x)
optn = NewtonPar(tol = 1e-8, verbose = true, maxIter = 10)
opt_cont_br = ContinuationPar(pMin = 0.015, pMax = 2.5, newtonOptions = optn, ds= 0.001, dsmax = 0.1, detectBifurcation = 3, nev = 10, maxSteps = 190, nInversion = 6)
br_TW = @time continuation(probTW, wave.u, PALC(), opt_cont_br;
recordFromSolution = (x, p) -> (u∞ = maximum(x[1:n]), s = x[end], amp = amplitude(x[1:n])),
plotSolution = (x, p; k...) -> (plot!(x[1:end-1];k...);plot!(br,subplot=1, legend=false)),
finaliseSolution = (z, tau, step, contResult; k...) -> begin
amplitude(z.u[n+1:2n]) > 0.01
end, bothside = true)
plot(br, br_TW, legend = :bottomright, branchlabel =["","TW"])
We note that the branch of travelling wave solutions has a Hopf bifurcation point at which point Modulated Travelling waves will emerge. This will be anlyzed in the future.
- Haragus
Haragus, Mariana, and Gérard Iooss. Local Bifurcations, Center Manifolds, and Normal Forms in Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems. London: Springer London, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-85729-112-7.