Bogdanov-Takens refinement
In this page, we explain how to perform precise localisation of Bogdanov-Takens (BT) points. This is an unusual feature of numerical continuation libraries. We chose to implement it because the localisation of the BT points on the Hopf bifurcation curves is rather imprecise.
The continuation of BT bifurcation points is based on a Minimally Augmented[Govaerts],[Blank],[Bindel] formulation which is an efficient way to detect singularities. The continuation of BT points is based on the formulation
\[G(u,p) = (F(u,p), g_1(u,p), g_2(u,p))\in\mathbb R^{n+2}\quad\quad (F_{bt})\]
where the test function $g_1,g_2$ are solutions of
\[\left[\begin{array}{cc} dF(u,p) & w \\ v^{\top} & 0 \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} v_1 \\ g_1(u,p) \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c}0_{n} \\1\end{array}\right]\quad\quad (M_{bt})\]
\[\left[\begin{array}{cc} dF(u,p) & w \\ v^{\top} & 0 \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} v_2 \\ g_2(u,p) \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c}v_1 \\0\end{array}\right]\quad\quad (M_{bt})\]
and where $w,v$ are chosen in order to have a non-singular matrix $(M_{bt})$. More precisely, $v$ (resp. $w$) should be close to a null vector of dF(u,p)
(resp. dF(u,p)'
note that there are very simplified calls for this, see Newton refinement below. In particular, you don't need to set up the Minimally Augmented problem yourself. This is done in the background.
You can pass the bordered linear solver to solve $(M_{bt})$ using the option bdlinsolver
(see below). Note that the choice bdlinsolver = BorderingBLS()
can lead to singular systems. Indeed, in this case, $(M_{bt})$ is solved by inverting dF(u,p)
which is singular at Fold points.
Setting the jacobian
In order to apply the newton algorithm to $F_{bt}$, one needs to invert the jacobian. This is not completely trivial as one must compute this jacobian and then invert it. You can select the following jacobians for your computations (see below):
- [Default] for
jacobian_ma = :autodiff
, automatic differentiation is applied to $F_{bt}$ and the matrix is then inverted using the provided linear solver. In particular, the jacobian is formed. This is very well suited for small dimensions (say < 100) - for
jacobian_ma = :minaug
, a specific procedure for evaluating the jacobian $F_{bt}$ and inverting it (without forming the jacobian!) is used. This is well suited for large dimensions.
using BifurcationKit, LinearAlgebra, Setfield, SparseArrays, ForwardDiff, Parameters
Fbt(x, p) = [x[2], p.β1 + p.β2 * x[2] + p.a * x[1]^2 + p.b * x[1] * x[2]]
par = (β1 = 0.01, β2 = -0.1, a = -1., b = 1.)
prob = BifurcationProblem(Fbt, [0.01, 0.01], par, (@lens _.β1))
opt_newton = NewtonPar(tol = 1e-9, maxIter = 40)
opts_br = ContinuationPar(dsmin = 0.001, dsmax = 0.01, ds = 0.01, pMax = 0.5, pMin = -0.5, detectBifurcation = 3, nev = 2, newtonOptions = opt_newton, maxSteps = 100, nInversion = 4, dsminBisection = 1e-9)
br = continuation(prob, PALC(), opts_br; bothside = true)
# compute branch of Hopf points
hopf_codim2 = continuation(br, 3, (@lens _.β2), ContinuationPar(opts_br, detectBifurcation = 1, saveSolEveryStep = 1, maxSteps = 40, maxBisectionSteps = 25) ; plot = false, verbosity = 0,
detectCodim2Bifurcation = 2,
updateMinAugEveryStep = 1,
bothside = true,
bdlinsolver = MatrixBLS(),
# refine BT point
solbt = BifurcationKit.newtonBT(hopf_codim2, 2; startWithEigen = true)
Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation point at (:β1, :β2) ≈ (-9.030708980674947e-18, 0.0).
Normal form (B, p1 + p2⋅B + b⋅A⋅B + a⋅A²)
Normal form coefficients:
a = missing
b = missing
You can call various predictors:
- predictor(::BogdanovTakens, ::Val{:HopfCurve}, ds)
- predictor(::BogdanovTakens, ::Val{:FoldCurve}, ds)
- predictor(::BogdanovTakens, ::Val{:HomoclinicCurve}, ds)
Newton refinement
Once a Fold / Hopf point has been detected after a call to br = continuation(...)
, it can be refined using newton
iterations. Let us say that ind_bif
is the index in br.specialpoint
of a Bogdanov-Takens point. This guess can be refined as follows:
outfold = newton(br::AbstractBranchResult, ind_bif::Int;
normN = norm,
options = br.contparams.newtonOptions,
bdlinsolver = BorderingBLS(options.linsolver),
jacobian_ma = :autodiff,
startWithEigen = false, kwargs...)
For the options parameters, we refer to Newton.
It is important to note that for improved performances, a function implementing the expression of the hessian should be provided. This is by far the fastest. Reader interested in this advanced usage should look at the code example/chan.jl
of the tutorial Temperature model (Simplest example).
Advanced use
Here, we expose the solvers that are used to perform newton refinement. This is useful in case it is too involved to expose the linear solver options.
— FunctionnewtonBT(prob, btpointguess, par, lens2, eigenvec, eigenvec_ad, options)
This function turns an initial guess for a BT point into a solution to the BT problem based on a Minimally Augmented formulation. The arguments are as follows
initial guess (x0, p0) for the BT point. It should be aBorderedArray
as returned by the functionBTPoint
parameters used for the vector fieldeigenvec
guess for the 0 eigenvectoreigenvec_ad
guess for the 0 adjoint eigenvectoroptions::NewtonPar
options for the Newton-Krylov algorithm, seeNewtonPar
Optional arguments:
normN = norm
bordered linear solver for the constraint equationjacobian_ma::Symbol = true
specify the way the (newton) linear system is solved. Can be (:autodiff, :finitedifferences, :minaug)kwargs
keywords arguments to be passed to the regular Newton-Krylov solver
Simplified call
Simplified call to refine an initial guess for a BT point. More precisely, the call is as follows
newton(br::AbstractBranchResult, ind_bt::Int; options = br.contparams.newtonOptions, kwargs...)
The parameters / options are as usual except that you have to pass the branch br
from the result of a call to continuation
with detection of bifurcations enabled and index
is the index of bifurcation point in br
you want to refine. You can pass newton parameters different from the ones stored in br
by using the argument options
The adjoint of the jacobian J
is computed internally when Jᵗ = nothing
by using transpose(J)
which works fine when J
is an AbstractArray
. In this case, do not pass the jacobian adjoint like Jᵗ = (x, p) -> transpose(d_xF(x, p))
otherwise the jacobian will be computed twice!
For ODE problems, it is more efficient to pass the option jacobian_ma = :autodiff
newtonBT(br, ind_bt)
This function turns an initial guess for a Bogdanov-Takens point into a solution to the Bogdanov-Takens problem based on a Minimally Augmented formulation.
results returned after a call to continuationind_bif
bifurcation index inbr
Optional arguments:
, default valuebr.contparams.newtonOptions
normN = norm
You can pass newton parameters different from the ones stored inbr
by using this argumentoptions
.jacobian_ma::Symbol = true
specify the way the (newton) linear system is solved. Can be (:autodiff, :finitedifferences, :minaug)bdlinsolver
bordered linear solver for the constraint equationstartWithEigen = false
whether to start the Minimally Augmented problem with information from eigen elements.kwargs
keywords arguments to be passed to the regular Newton-Krylov solver
For ODE problems, it is more efficient to pass the option jacobian = :autodiff
For ODE problems, it is more efficient to pass the option startWithEigen = true
- Govaerts
Govaerts, Willy J. F. Numerical Methods for Bifurcations of Dynamical Equilibria. Philadelphia, Pa: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2000.
- Blank
Blank, H. J. de, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, M. J. Pekkér, and D. W. M. Veldman. “Degenerate Bogdanov–Takens Bifurcations in a One-Dimensional Transport Model of a Fusion Plasma.” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 331 (September 15, 2016): 13–26.
- Bindel
Bindel, D., M. Friedman, W. Govaerts, J. Hughes, and Yu.A. Kuznetsov. “Numerical Computation of Bifurcations in Large Equilibrium Systems in Matlab.” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 261 (May 2014): 232–48.