๐ข Temperature model
This is a classical example from the Trilinos library.
This is a simple example in which we aim at solving $\Delta T+\alpha N(T,\beta)=0$ with boundary conditions $T(0) = T(1)=\beta$. This example is coded in examples/chan.jl
. We start with some imports:
using BifurcationKit, Plots
const BK = BifurcationKit
N(x; a = 0.5, b = 0.01) = 1 + (x + a*x^2)/(1 + b*x^2)
We then write our functional:
function F_chan(x, p)
(;ฮฑ, ฮฒ) = p
f = similar(x)
n = length(x)
f[1] = x[1] - ฮฒ
f[n] = x[n] - ฮฒ
for i=2:n-1
f[i] = (x[i-1] - 2 * x[i] + x[i+1]) * (n-1)^2 + ฮฑ * N(x[i], b = ฮฒ)
return f
We want to call a Newton solver. We first need an initial guess:
n = 101
sol0 = [(i-1)*(n-i)/n^2+0.1 for i=1:n]
# set of parameters
par = (ฮฑ = 3.3, ฮฒ = 0.01)
Finally, we need to provide some parameters for the Newton iterations. This is done by calling
optnewton = NewtonPar(tol = 1e-9, max_iterations = 10)
We call the Newton solver:
prob = BifurcationProblem(F_chan, sol0, par, (@optic _.ฮฑ),
# function to plot the solution
plot_solution = (x, p; k...) -> plot!(x; ylabel="solution", label="", k...))
# we set verbose to true to see the newton iterations
sol = @time BK.solve(prob, Newton(), @set optnewton.verbose = true)
โ Newton step residual linear iterations โ
โ 0 โ 2.3440e+01 โ 0 โ
โ 1 โ 1.3774e+00 โ 1 โ
โ 2 โ 1.6267e-02 โ 1 โ
โ 3 โ 2.4336e-06 โ 1 โ
โ 4 โ 6.7452e-12 โ 1 โ
0.001637 seconds (385 allocations: 2.299 MiB)
Note that, in this case, we did not give the Jacobian. It was computed internally using Automatic Differentiation.
We can perform numerical continuation w.r.t. the parameter $\alpha$. This time, we need to provide additional parameters, but now for the continuation method:
optcont = ContinuationPar(max_steps = 150,
p_min = 0., p_max = 4.2,
newton_options =optnewton)
Next, we call the continuation routine as follows.
br = continuation(prob, PALC(), optcont; plot = true)
nothing #hide
The parameter axis lens = @optic _.ฮฑ
is used to extract the component of par
corresponding to ฮฑ
. Internally, it is used as get(par, lens)
which returns 3.3
We don't need to call newton
first in order to use continuation
You should see
scene = title!("") #hide
The left figure is the norm of the solution as function of the parameter $p=\alpha$, the y-axis can be changed by passing a different record_from_solution
to BifurcationProblem
. The top right figure is the value of $\alpha$ as function of the iteration number. The bottom right is the solution for the current value of the parameter. This last plot can be modified by changing the argument plot_solution
to BifurcationProblem
Two Fold points were detected. This can be seen by looking at show(br)
or br.specialpoint
, by the black dots on the continuation plots when doing plot(br, plotfold=true)
or by typing br
in the REPL. Note that the bifurcation points are located in br.specialpoint
What if we want to compute to continue both ways in one call?
br = continuation(prob, PALC(), optcont; bothside = true)